Tiernan's Comms Closet

Geek, Programmer, Photographer, network egineer…

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Some network Upgrades going on

I am in the middle of a fairly large network upgrade for the CloudShed. I have bought 2 Ubiquiti Unifi Hi-Capacity Aggregration Switchs, a 24 Port SWitch Pro POE, a Switch Enterprise 8 PoE, a couple of U7 Pro Access Points and a U6 In-wall.

The 2 Aggregation Switches have 4 25Gb ports on them, along with 28 10Gb ports. 2 of the 25Gbs are going to be linked between the house and the CloudShed. The U6 InWall is going into the office, the 2 U7 Pros are in the house already, powered by the Switch Enterprise 8 Poe (2.5Gb enternet on that!) and the 24 port Poe Switch will replace my older 16 port one, which does not have 10Gb ethernet. More stuff on this coming when I get more time to install it all.

Day 58 of #100daysofhomelab

Day 58 of and today is mostly a retrospective of what I did over the last few days, with some links thrown in for good measure…

Given I am going to keep GodBoxV3 running Windows Server 2022 for the foreseeable future, I installed Veeam Availability Suite (through their NFR program) and got it to backup up my Hyper-V VMs, along with my ESXi VMs to both local and Backblaze B2 storage. So far, so good.

Also, Ubiquiti released Unifi OS 3.0 for the UDM Pro, which I upgraded this morning. Links for that are below. Some nice bits in here, like:

  • Added Wireguard VPN Server support.
  • Added VPN Client Routing.
  • Added Ad-blocking feature.
  • Added support for OpenVPN tunnel in Traffic Routes.
  • Allow adding multiple VPN Clients.

the 2.5 release OS had the VPN Client option, but ALL traffic went over the VPN, whether you wanted it to or not. This release gives you the option to say that traffic from a given host, network or even traffic to a given IP or range, goes over the VPN link. The Ad Block feature is nice too, but I have not tried it yet (still using PiHole for the moment) and the Wireguard VPN option is going to be VERY handy. More testing coming soon…

Anyway, on to the links.

Day 18 of #100daysofhomelab

Day 18 of #100daysofhomelab and today I moved my Unifi Protect cameras from my UDM Pro to my Cloud Key Gen 2. Why? The UDM Pro is still stuck on Unifi OS 2.4 (hopefully it will get 3 at some stage…). The Cloud Key Gen 2, however, does run 3.0. Some of the new Protect features are limited to Unifi OS 3.0, and I wanted to try them out. Also, my UCK has a 5Tb HDD in it, but my UDM only has 3, so I get more recording space from the UCK. So far, seems to be running well. Everything else is still on the UDM Pro. Only Protect has moved. More tomorrow.

Unifi Network Update 7.1.61

A few weeks back, Ubiquiti released a pre-release update for the Unifi Network Controller, version 7.1.61. It got installed on my UDM and I noticed a few interesting bits that you might find handy… First, you will need to be signed up for Unifi Early Access before you can download or even read the release notes, but this is just a quick update based on my findings so far.

The first thing to note: You can see the list of devices connected to switches on the Overview Tab. I can’t remember exactly when that was added, but I think it’s new…

Under the ports tab, you now have a ports insight option:

Clicking this give you:

You can also select multiple ports and make changes at a bulk level:

You can also see a bit more info about each port:

Teleport VPN is also now added. This makes giving someone access to your network a LOT easier than usual. They will need the WifiMan software on Android, iOS or Mac to join. Not sure what happens on a Windows machine… Maybe it’s coming soon? To use it, just generate a new link and send it to your user. Not sure how to remove them afterwards (if you want to give them temp access for example…)

Final Interesting part, and something I have been waiting for for a while, under Traffic Management, you can now create custom traffic rules:

You can set it based on destination Domain Name, IP or even the full internet:

And you can set the Source to be All Devices, group of devices (network) or individual (or multiple targeted) devices.

Finally, you can set the output internet connection.

If you had multiple internet connections, and one had better speeds for stuff like Netflix, or you wanted to send bulk data over a different link, you can do this using this feature. Very cool stuff.

So, still testing, but looking good so far.